Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers
Package Description
The essential tools for any PHP developer, including PHP language support, Git client, Mylyn and editors for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and XML.
This package includes:
- Git integration for Eclipse
- JavaScript Development Tools
- Mylyn Task List
- PHP Development Tools (PDT)
- Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
- JavaScript Development Tools
Detailed features list
- org.eclipse.epp.package.php.feature
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
- org.eclipse.platform
- org.eclipse.epp.mpc
- org.eclipse.egit
- org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.feature
- org.eclipse.egit.mylyn
- org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
- org.eclipse.php
- org.eclipse.php.composer
- org.eclipse.php.mylyn
- org.eclipse.php.phpunit.feature
- org.eclipse.php.profiler
- org.eclipse.php.rdt.sync
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature
Maintained by: Eclipse Packaging Project
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Testing Details
Package Testers
Jacek PospychalaKaloyan Raev
Dawid Pakula