Editor's Note
The Eclipse Marketplace is home to a huge variety of solutions from the Eclipse ecosystem. The Marketplace has enjoyed extraordinary success over the years and continues to be "the" place to find great plugins to make the Eclipse IDE experience your own. Our authors in this issue highlight some reasons why our community loves the Marketplace, the reasons why the Marketplace is good for the Eclipse user community, and explore an IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you code. We currently have almost 34 million solutions installed directly from the Eclipse IDE. Explore the great articles below, but also be sure to check out the Marketplace to explore the coolest and most functional plugins for yourself!!
➜ Eclipse Marketplace - Goodness for All
➜ SonarLint - Fix Issues Before They Exist
➜ Why I Love the Eclipse Marketplace
We are proud to announce that we are holding a 2019 Eclipse IoT Day in Santa Clara, co-located with IoT World, the leading global IoT conference and exhibition. Check out our speakers, talks, agenda, and register to learn the latest on open source and open standards for building IoT solutions.
The IoT & Jakarta EE Developer Surveys have closed! We look forward to sharing the results of both surveys in April!
Stay awesome and happy reading!
Jameka Woodberry