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  • RE: [wtp-dev] Java EE 5 models design overview, (continued)
  • [wtp-dev] ComponentCore.createComponent(IProject), Ted Bashor
  • [wtp-dev] J2EE or JEE, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] Re: [wtp-pmc] Minutes of requirements call - Oct 26, Lawrence Mandel
  • [wtp-dev] [Help Wanted] M10 wst.dtd: Design for Platform Use, Benoit Sauvé
  • [wtp-dev] Minutes of requirements call - Oct 26, Krause, Jochen
  • [wtp-dev] What is a dynamic plug-in?, Lawrence Mandel
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 2.0 I build declared: I-I200611090031, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Still waiting on smoke test results for WTP 2.0 and failing Junits?, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Our move to EMF 2.3 coming soon, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Regret for Telecons 2006-11-09, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] Phoenix Work Plan, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] WTP metrics now available via, Craig Salter
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared: I200611021324 Thu, 2 Nov 2006 -- 13:24 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Question about Validate context menu in 1.5, Konstantin Komissarchik
  • [wtp-dev] Andrew Mak/Toronto/IBM is out of the office., Andrew Mak
  • [wtp-dev] How I could restart Project Explorer in J2EE perspective, Boyadzhiev, Yavor Vasilev
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder of weekly status call, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Regrets for Telecons, Arthur Ryman
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 do not appear in bugzilla drop down version, Lawrence Mandel
  • [wtp-dev] Announcing WTP 1.5.2, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: [dtp-dev] Next Requirements Council meeting scheduled, Sheila Sholars
  • [wtp-dev] Eclipse question, Savoy, Melinda
  • [wtp-dev] Rocco Palermo Jr/Boca Raton/IBM is out of the office., Rocco Palermo Jr
  • [wtp-dev] Attention needed for M3 based builds, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Backward compatibility breakage in TLD resolution?, Cameron Bateman
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared: I200610252259 Wed, 25 Oct 2006 -- 18:59 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] 1.5.2 Release Candidate 2 declared, but ... 1.5.2 Thu, 26 Oct 2006 -- 14:41 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Reminder of Development Status Call, Thursday, 2 to 3 (Eastern Time)., David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WTP 1.5.2: Request PMC approval for RDB regression defect, Lawrence E Dunnell
  • [wtp-dev] Fw: Critical Web services bug 161250 needed in WTP 1.5.2, Chris Brealey
  • [wtp-dev] dependency-object in ear project .setting file undocumented, Rob Stryker
  • [wtp-dev] org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.ui has been branched, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] Summary of committer voting for Jason Sholl, Tim Wagner
  • [wtp-dev] RDB component has been dropped in favor of DTP, Naci Dai
  • [wtp-dev] open requirements call - thursday of this week, Krause, Jochen
  • [wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-10-19, David_M_Williams/Raleigh/IBM%IBMUS
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly I-build declared: I200610191844 Thu, 19 Oct 2006 -- 18:44 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly M-build declared: 1.5.2 Thu, 19 Oct 2006 -- 20:22 (UTC), David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Agenda of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-10-19, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Updates to WTP development process documents, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] WAR extension, Háber János
  • [wtp-dev] Request PMC approval for 161128 and 160689, Timothy Deboer
  • [wtp-dev] Request PMC approval for RDB defect - 161468, Lawrence E Dunnell
  • [wtp-dev] Request PMC approval for WTP 1.5.2 on defect 161275, John Lanuti
  • [wtp-dev] Creating WAR files from another plugin, Alexander De Leon
  • [wtp-dev] Request PMC approval for 161284, Nitin Dahyabhai
  • [wtp-dev] EclipseCon 2007 tutorials needed!, Tim Wagner
  • [wtp-dev] Trip Report from EclipseSummit Europe, 2006, David M Williams
  • [wtp-dev] Weekly maintenance build declared: 1.5.2 Fri, 13 Oct 2006 -- 12:05 (UTC), Jeffrey Liu

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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