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Re: [platform-dev] org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.invalidJavadoc=error settings in platform code


I have the entire SDK in a workspace without errors:

This is of course using the Oomph setups for these projects. 

Perhaps you're doing something differently from others?  What's an example of an error that you see?

If I break some Javadoc in a project with this set to error, it does result in an error:


On 18.08.2021 19:28, Christoph Läubrich wrote:
One thing I always wonder, most projects in platform use a project specific setting


but with this settings enabled there are hundreds of errors and the workspace is nearly unusable.

So my first task is always to change the error to warning to at least get a valid build.

I can understand that one want to have valid javadoc, but enabling this and not fixing the errors seems strange to me. So how is this to be handeled? I really don't like to change/reset settings each time I pull the changes from the repo...
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