Eclipse Keypop®

The Eclipse Keypop open source interfaces are available in Java and C++, designed on the same mutual Object-Oriented Model.

The 'Reader API' is a high-level interface used by terminal applications to operate smart card readers, it:

  • provides the means to identify card readers and verify the presence of smart cards,
  • offers the possibility to configure the observation of readers in order to be notified on card insertion or withdrawal,
  • is the entry point to manage the selection of a smart card in a specific reader.

The 'Card API' defines the internal elements shared by the reader layer to implement specific ticketing card extension.

The 'Calypso API' is an extension of the Reader API which provides a high-level API standardizing the way to interact with Calypso cards.

  • The Calypso Card API provides the means to select a target card and then perform a secure transaction with the selected target.
  • The Calypso Crypto Legacy SAM API is the interface to manage security modules.

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From 2023-11-17 to 2023-11-17

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2023.11 2023-11-17
The MIT License (MIT)

The content of this open source project is received and distributed under the license(s) listed above. Some source code and binaries may be distributed under different terms. Specific license information is provided in file headers and in NOTICE files distributed with the project's binaries.

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