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Eclipse Committers Emeritus

When Committers who have made significant contributions to Eclipse become inactive and thus no longer Committers1, we want to make sure that we acknowledge their huge contributions to our (collective) success. We choose to make that acknowledgement by appointing them to Committer Emeritus status.

Our heartfelt thanks to each of these people and their significant contributions to the long term success of all of Eclipse.

A list of all former Committers can be found at Committers Alumni.

  • Erich Achilles (rt.riena)
  • Martin Aeschlimann (eclipse)
  • Andres Almiray (automotive.mdmbl)
  • John Arthorne (eclipse.platform)
  • Dirk Baeumer (eclipse)
  • Thomas Becker (rt.jetty)
  • Heiko Behrens (modeling.tmf.xtext)
  • Benjamin Bentmann (technology.m2e)
  • Jean Bezivin (modeling)
  • Boris Bokowski (eclipse.e4)
  • Nick Boldt (modeling.emf)
  • Chris Brealey (webtools.webservices)
  • Ian Bull (tools.gef)
  • John Camelon (tools.cdt)
  • Joel Cayne (tptp.platform)
  • Eugene Chan (tptp.performance)
  • Kathy Chan (tptp.platform, webtools.webservices, tptp.performance, webtools.webservices)
  • Joel Cheuoua (modeling.m2t.jet)
  • Michal Chmielewski (soa.bpel)
  • Kam Man Chu (tools.ptp, tools.ptp)
  • Christian Damus (modeling.mdt, modeling.mdt)
  • Caspar De Groot (modeling.emf.cdo, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Jim Des Rivieres (eclipse)
  • Ganesh Deshvini (automotive.mdmbl)
  • Yannick DIDIERJEAN (automotive.sphinx)
  • David Dykstal (
  • Thomas Eichstaedt-Engelen (iot.smarthome)
  • Robert Elves (tools.mylyn)
  • Michael Fiedler (technology.lyo)
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (tools.datatools)
  • Daniel Ford (technology.stem, technology.stem)
  • Tim Fox (rt.vertx)
  • Peter Friese (modeling.tmf.xtext)
  • Erich Gamma (eclipse)
  • Ralph Gerbig (modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Dejan Glozic (eclipse)
  • Michael Gorovoy (rt.jetty)
  • Richard Gronback (modeling)
  • Chris Gross (technology.nebula)
  • Judith Gull (technology.scout)
  • Kevin Haaland (eclipse)
  • Hal Hildebrand (rt.gemini)
  • Shun-ichi Hirabayashi (
  • Anthony Hunter (tools.gef)
  • David Inglis (tools.cdt)
  • Stefan Jurack (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Gary Karasiuk (webtools.common)
  • Mik Kersten (tools.mylyn, tools.aspectj)
  • Milos Kleint (technology.m2e)
  • Steffen Kriese (rt.riena)
  • Christian Kurzke (tools.mtj, tools.sequoyah)
  • Gregor laemmel (automotive.sumo)
  • John Lanuti (webtools.jeetools)
  • Seva Lapsha (tools.pdt)
  • Anton Leherbauer (tools.cdt,, tools.tcf)
  • Jean-Michel Lemieux (eclipse)
  • Johannes Lerch (technology.recommenders)
  • Kai-Uwe Maetzel (eclipse)
  • Alain Magloire (tools.cdt)
  • Hugues Malphettes (rt.jetty)
  • Lawrence Mandel (webtools.common)
  • Simon Mc Duff (modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Jeff McAffer (eclipse.platform, eclipse.equinox, tools.orbit)
  • Kevin McGuire (eclipse)
  • Dani Megert (eclipse, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.pde)
  • Wassim Melhem (eclipse.pde)
  • Yordan Mihaylov (iot.smarthome)
  • Marin Mitev (iot.smarthome)
  • Kim Moir (eclipse.platform)
  • Adrian Moser (technology.scout)
  • Phil Muldoon (tools.linuxtools)
  • Andrew Niefer (tools.cdt)
  • Jeffrey Overbey (tools.ptp)
  • Andrew Overholt (tools.linuxtools)
  • Ketan Padegaonkar (technology.swtbot)
  • Marcelo Paternostro (modeling.emf, modeling.emf.emf)
  • Steffen Pingel (tools.mylyn)
  • Jacek Pospychala (tools.pdt)
  • Pascal Rapicault (technology.m2e)
  • Craig Rasmussen (tools.ptp)
  • Dirk Reuter (technology.stem, technology.stem)
  • Michal Ruzicka (modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Craig Salter (webtools.webservices)
  • Doug Schaefer (tools.cdt)
  • Thomas Schindl (technology.nebula)
  • Craig Setera (tools.mtj)
  • Jason Sholl (webtools.jeetools, webtools.common, webtools.jeetools, webtools.jeetools, webtools.common)
  • Paul Slauenwhite (tptp.test)
  • Harm Sluiman (tptp)
  • Michael Spector (tools.pdt)
  • David Steinberg (modeling.emf.emf)
  • C. Timurhan Sungur (automotive.winery)
  • Darin Swanson (eclipse)
  • Yann Tanguy (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Paul Tatavu (technology.m2e)
  • Beth Tibbitts (tools.ptp)
  • Artem Tikhomirov (modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Joseph Toomey (tptp.test)
  • Michael Valenta (eclipse)
  • Angel Vera (webtools.servertools)
  • Elias Volanakis (rt.riena)
  • Paul Webster (eclipse.platform)
  • Andre Weinand (eclipse)
  • Mark Weitzel (technology.cosmos)
  • Jonathan West (tptp.performance)
  • John Wiegand (eclipse)
  • Darin Wright (eclipse.platform)
  • Amy Wu (webtools.sourceediting)
  • Vincent Zurczak (soa.bpel)

Project leads may nominate people to this page as part of the process of removing a committer by sending a request to the EMO.

1 Being a Committer is a privilege that is earned by contributing actively, and showing discipline and good judgment. It is a responsibility that is not given or treated lightly. At the same time, we acknowledge that active participation in Eclipse Projects is not a lifetime commitment, and thus Committers may/will become inactive for a variety of reasons.

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