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[wtp-pmc] Fwd: Deadlock bug in Eclipse Webtools 3.8.2 (latest release in Neon.3) - affects JBoss Tools 4.4.4, Devstudio 10.4, Fedora 25+, and RHSCL 2.4

Dear PMC Members,

As Bug #511793 ( is a blocker issue affecting the m2e-wtp and Fuse Tools projects, RedHat would request 3.8.x maintenance continuation or making a patch release in order to backport the fix [that is available as a patch] into 3.8.x (Neon) stream and provide the working solution for Neon users.

Thanks in advance,

Victor Rubezhny

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Deadlock bug in Eclipse Webtools 3.8.2 (latest release in Neon.3) - affects JBoss Tools 4.4.4, Devstudio 10.4, Fedora 25+, and RHSCL 2.4
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 11:08:38 -0400
From: Nick Boldt <nboldt@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Joe Orton <jorton@xxxxxxxxxx>, Honza Horak <hhorak@xxxxxxxxxx>, Vaclav Kadlcik <vkadlcik@xxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Victor Rubezhny <vrubezhn@xxxxxxxxxx>, Martha Benitez <mbenitez@xxxxxxxxxx>, Mat Booth <mat.booth@xxxxxxxxxx>, Aurelien Pupier <apupier@xxxxxxxxxx>, Kerri Anderson <kanderso@xxxxxxxxxx>, Tim Moran <timoran@xxxxxxxxxx>, Jean-Francois Maury <jmaury@xxxxxxxxxx>

Recently discovered a nasty deadlock bug in Eclipse Webtools 3.8.2 [1]. 3.8.2 was planned to be the final release in the Neon.x stream - Neon.3 dropped last month as the final simultaneous release. 

We've already moved Fedora 25/26/rawhide, RHSCL 2.4, JBoss Tools 4.4.4.AM2 and devstudio 10.4.0.AM2 to include these latest Neon.3 updates, so all 4 products/projects are affected.

This deadlock bug impacts most of JBoss Tools/devstudio, including m2e-wtp and Fuse Tools, so we're hoping we can get Webtools PMC to approve a 3.8.3 maintenance or patch release. 



@Victor, can you escalate this problem to the rest of the WTP PMC to get this moving?

@Joe/@Kerri/@Honza/@Vaclav, what's the latest we can push a fix into the RHSCL 2.4 Beta/CR bits before it goes GA on April 26? 

@Tim/@Martha/@Jeff, the latest we can update the JBT/devstudio target platform in preparation for the 4.4.4.Final/10.4.0.GA builds is May 9, but a few days before that is ideal so more testing/verification can occur. Alternatively we could provide a patch feature in Red Hat Central, or patch webtools ourselves and provide that in our target platform. Upstream is preferred, of course. 


More info: (JBT/devstudio target platform update bug) (Fuse Tools bug caused by upstream)

Note also that Fedora 26 has a Beta Freeze on May 2, so getting this in there beforehand would be ideal. 




IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt

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