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[wtp-pmc] JSF/Dali review schedule: final call

On the PMC call this morning we talked about Wednesday, June 7th from noon PDT / 3pm EDT through 1pm PDT / 4pm EDT. Raghu, please confirm your availability for this slot.


Others, please let me know if you can*not* make this. If we have a quorum, this schedule will be the one we use for the internal (WTP-level) reviews of these two projects. As a reminder,


  • This is not the external review; the idea is for WTP (PMC and other members) to understand, evaluate, and feel comfortable with the state of code being released as technology previews coincident with 1.5.
  • This is not an incubation exit review; the focus is purely on the release. (But having passed a release review, incubation exit reviews should then be simpler to execute.)
  • Please see the information provided in email by Neil (Raghu, I haven’t seen your – please resend if you did previously) and come to the meeting having worked through the tutorials, looked at the docs, etc. on your own. While Neil and Raghu can do some directed presentations, we should also get through any Q&A needed.






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