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[wtp-pmc] Moving to new Eclipse challenges

Dear PMC members,

First of all, I would like to address you my best wishes for this new year and
wish you all the best for the WTP project in 2006.

As you know, the Eclipse STP project has now been created, and it is time for me to put my focus on this new project. As my contribution to WTP as been very sparse in the last quarter, the fact that I resign from the PMC should not be an issue.

ObjectWeb will remain very active in WTP with the contribution of Eteration. Naci Dai who is also member of ObjectWeb College of Architects has accepted to represent our consortium in WTP to ensure coordination with the ObjectWeb team for a smooth integration of ObjectWeb open-source middleware with the
Eclipse platform.

As for coordination between STP and WTP, the involvment of close IBM, BEA and Eteration teams in both projects should allow good coordination between the two

Thank you again to all of you for the excellent work done by the PMC.


Christophe Ney
Executive Director of the ObjectWeb Consortium
ObjectWeb Project Director at INRIA Rhône-Alpes

Note: I will connect the PMC call one last time today to make sure all potential issues have been

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