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[wakaama-dev] coap async response



I am looking at adding support for coap async response. I think I can send an empty ack after receiving the request. Something like,


In packet.c -> handle_request():


            else if (coap_error_code == MANUAL_RESPONSE)


                /* Send an empty ack response */

                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid);

                message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);



On the way out, I can prepare a response based on the original message using an interface like,


void lwm2m_async_response(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,

                        uint8_t * payload,

                        coap_status_t * message,

                        void * fromSessionH)


                /* Initiate a coap transaction based on the saved request (message) */



Couple of questions:

1)      If I just save one request would that be enough? This would mean I am implementing just a delay mechanism, but may be acceptable if the server sends requests sequentially.

2)      What happens if the async response was never sent ? Is there a timeout for async response?

3)      How can I initiate an async response or any coap response with payload of more than 1024 bytes ?




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