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[udig-dev] Actions and Goals out of meeting with Sharon

Whew that is done .. so what do we have for a battle plan.

Action items:

1) (Jody) Complete the geotools_overview document with GeoTools PMC
- Actually it looks pretty straight forward, only a few questions left

2) Get the remaining CQs into the system
- could use a hand with this, I am just taking too long as I get distracted by the details
- take a second pass to include the source code

3) Add comments to CQs that depend on each other
- example: geoscript-groovy ----> groovy --> antlr
- example: eastwood --> jfreechart

4) Start an "exempt discussion" for JAI and ImageIO
- As Wayne explained "works with" and "exempt" in the last meeting, these are the only two categories that require discussion
- Given JAI and ImageIO license "exempt" looks to be a good course. We have always treated them as part of the JRE - indeed when Sun presented them as extensions thought they would be included in the next release of Java (as had been done with other javax projects).

uDig project goals for FOSS4G
- Submit all CQs .. so we can say we are waiting on legal :-)
- Upload initial code contribution (it would be nice to refactor as a code sprint activity)
- see GeoTools and JTS through legal review
- Any other ideas?

Jody Garnett

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