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[udig-devel] IP review followup

I was finally able to work myself through the license issues related
to my code portions and pushed the changes to the locationtech_ip
branch since I found some discrepancies between the spreadsheet and
the code. So I preferred to use the loctech_ip branch.

Anyways, looking at what is left, we have a lot of rubbish which would
need a supershort review by some of the members and some more complex
licensing stuff.

Can I ask the PSC members to look into the spreadsheet [0] please?
There are big chunks by Axios, which I assume only Mauricio can solve.
And then there are some relicensing of copied code by some of the
initial authors that needs to be reverted.

Please give us some feedback, so that we can close this
blocking-us-in-the-limbo part.



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