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Re: [udig-devel] uDig at location meeting

>> Still the question holds: who is going to start the process of getting
>> uDig to eclipse. I think we would need to have at least a couple of
>> members of the communtiy to assure presence and contribution. Did I
>> loose another email thread?
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I assumed Jody has the lead
> because of his initial contact to Andrew.

Jody is for sure the candidate that I would vote. But does he know?
Jody usually talks about this in mailinglist :)

> But I guess everybody can
> join ;)

Sure everybody can join. I am not afraid of the fact that too many
people would help. It is the other way round :)
So if such a process is started, I think there should be a minimum
number of developers that donate time to that process. Else I am just
wondering who would do the work.

This thought comes from the fact that when uDig needs to be released
and tested, very very few people are around. Well, the move towards
eclipse looks way bigger to me than that, and without some
coordination I am just wondering how that should work?


> Frank
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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