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Re: [udig-devel] parentClassloader parameter

Hi Andrea,

thanks for the quick answer!

andrea antonello wrote:
Hi Ugo,
I am gonna add some untested thoughts.

first things first, the has a typo on page
15. It says:


but it should read


As shown on the screenshot.

now to the question :-)

Why do I need this? I suspect it's to do with the way geotools loads JAI (or
at least I vaguely remember something like that). Is there a way to avoid
this? For example, if I define my own plugin and include the jai jars?

That should do it. Btw, if you put the native jai libs in the root of
the plugin they will also be picked.

I'll try this out.

Hmmm, but then if it was so easy, why would we deliver the jai
addicted jre with udig? :)

1) to deliver a JRE prevents the user from having to load her own

2) so we ensure uDig runs with the JRE we want

3) we don't/didn't realise there's a way to avoid this?

4) we love doing easy things the hard way ;-)

Good question,

When I find some time, I'll try to read about the subject and try your suggestion.



Otherwise one is forced to release a complete JRE along with the product,
which may be an advantage on some occasions, but not always.

Thoughts? Hints? Tips?

Thanks in advance,

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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