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Re: [udig-devel] doubt in plugin

I am not going to use SQLserver spaital . I am using normal SQLserver 2005. If am not wrong, I am going to store only coardiantes in the database(Longitude and lattitudes) and I will fetch the coardinate when ever I required and draw it on to the map, It is just an extra layer- If it is not possible then  I will try to use spaital.

It is more a question of if we can choose something uDig supports (and udig tends to support spatial things like oracle-spatial, db2 and postgis). Or if you are going to handle working with the databsae yourself (using jdbc calls). Sounds like you are using jdbc calls which is fine.
I am not going to create thousands of gates(mostly around 90)

Sounds fine. 
I will finish the basic things first, I created  a plugin for distance tool (examle in tutorial), It does the distance calculation and showing the values  in to the bar, But I can not see any line while drawing (Is this is the result of this class?).

Have a look in the uDig source code at the distance tool included with the application; it is a bit more complete then the tutorial example (and includes visual feedback in terms of a line). The class in svn is here:

Lets come to MapGraphic and Coordinate classes(Main things)
What does coordinate class does, it has got 3 methods mocusepressed,1,2,3,Mouse released.
MapGraphic class has got the methods like draw1,draw2...

You are correct; the different draw methods are slightly improved on each other:
- draw just draws the dots on the screen (in the position the user clicked) (so as you pan around the dots stay in the same position on the window)
- draw2 draws the dots as lat/lon DefaultGeoGraphicCRS.WGS84 coordintes (so as you pan around the dots say on the map).
I tried to make use of this classes that means I just added a plugin using this classes
I am able to place the points on block board, but I couldn't draw the lines ( I have to try again)

You are making progress :-) 
how i can make use of this classes? especially MapGraphic.. 

Implement your own draw method (that draws a shape rather than a line). 
Plese let me complete the basic things with your help..


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