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RE: [udig-devel] BBoxSelection Listener

-Data tables;  All GIS files have some form of data.  A shapefile has
a .dbf file, and a .kml file has it's various xml formatted data.
Apart from rendered geometry, users have a basic need to access, view,
edit, and organize the respective and associated data.  Hence, uDig
really needs to step-up in this department, creating an effective
means by which users can edit records(data).  At the present time,
functionality is very limited, and very un-user friendly(uuDig).  To
begin, uDig keystrokes and key combinations should work when user has
the 'table' view active.  The user needs to be able to tab from cell
to cell, or return to go to the first cell of the next line(row/
record).  Shift-tab should tab backwards, and shift-return should go
to the immediate cell below.  The up, down, left, and right arrow keys
should all work.

Users should be able to re-organize the order of columns and their
width, change the width individual rows, etc., wherein uDig SAVES/
REMEMBERS those user changes, so if the user leaves the table view,
and returns to it later, those user changes(column widths & order,
etc.) are still in place.

Users should be able to highlight individual columns(some/all of the
records, but only that specific column) and copy those cell's records,
and easily paste that data elsewhere, and have properly formatted(one
cell per line)(Andrea's Grass plugin provides entire row export
capability via - Operations > Shapefile to HydroCSV).  User should be
able to paste data into the uDig table editor, wherein uDig properly
handles it, be it entire rows of information, or only cells.  uDig
table editor should perform all functions that are expected and are
basic in any/all table/data editors.   Users should be able to switch
between data tables and geometry tables, being able to edit it's
records(Name; Road 234) as well as it's geometry attributes(it's
coordinates for example).  And of course, being able to easily import/
export entire files/data.  A Google Earth user should be able to
import their .kml file into uDig, and then in table view, the user
should be able to add additional records to file by a) doing a copy
from another application/document, and then pasting into above or
below any specific row.  uDig should add those new rows and populate
them with the pasted data/records.  Also, users should be able to
easily add empty records in batch form(like adding 10 empty records
after record number 333, before record 343), instead of having to do
one at a time via the geometry route.  Users should be able to select
individual records(ctrl), and be able to copy those specific row/
records.   And so on... again, the 'basic' feature of a table editor.

Otherwise, udig's other parts are pretty nice, like it's ability to
mix and match maps/layers/sources, and so on.  But it's advanced
features are mostly broken, and it's these features that need to be
put on HOLD and attention needs to be put on making BASIC features
work, or adding them in the first place.


> Please give me some feedback, of any type.
> My 2 cents,
> Andrea
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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