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[udig-devel] udig 1.2.M0

I have uploaded a uDig 1.2.M0 ... it is a normal zip with a win32 jre installed. If someone can do better / or cross platform it would be the next step.
The SDK is being generated now.


Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi Andrea:

I have been able to build an SDK for John to use - I am not very confident in it but yeah it appears to be working. I am going to try and address the problems I turned up this week (that has been keeping the tutorials code from working).

So yeah I can release an SDK; and probably a release as well - I was thinking on Tuesday. But if Harry can make the SDK he will probably do a better job of it then me.


andrea antonello wrote:
Hi developers,
I got a bit lost in the mail threads because of other issues.

Harry, will you be able to build the udig Xmas products?
I'm not sure if I got from the emails that you had problems with the builds.
Sorry for having been superficial in this. In case I could give some
help in the weekend.
Let me know.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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