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Re: [udig-devel] tif render error.

What exactly is udig 1.1 capable of in this area?

My basic vector map data (roads, locations, routes, etc) is all lat/lon based, and my map is therefore using WGS84.

The raster tiles I have come with files that look like this:



!version 300
!charset WindowsLatin1

Definition Table
  File "TF70NE.TIF"
  Type "RASTER"
  (575000,305000) (0,7874) Label "Pt 1",
  (580000,305000) (7874,7874) Label "Pt 2",
  (580000,310000) (7874,0) Label "Pt 3",
  (575000,310000) (0,0) Label "Pt 4"
  CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000
  Units "m"

Unfortunately when I import one of these images and add it to my map, it isn't placed anywhere near the other data, because it seems to be using coordinates (British National Grid?) in the range 575000, 305000.

What do I need to do to bring these two sets of data (vector in lat/lon, raster in bng) together? I don't particularly care what projection is being used as long as I can see the data ok!


On a related note, there are about a thousand of these tiles. How can I add them to the map in one go (and have them shown in the uDig user interface as one entity) rather than as a thousand separate layers in the map.



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