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[udig-devel] Problem while creating a layer from scratch

Hi all,

First : Thanks for this new release !

Second : When I create a layer from scratch by the "layer->create" menu the CRS used seems to be strange... (Since RC5)

What i wan't to do : On a map with a certain CRS (27562) , I want to create a new point layer from scratch

Two cases :
- When I create the new layer, I change his CRS to be the same as my map (27562 too). I create some new features on this layer, but the features are not displayed.

- When I create the new layer, I DON'T change his CRS . I create some new features on this layer, with some data to be displayed via SLD. The point his correctly displayed, when I want to display the label via SLD editor. No label displayed.

What I can see :
The "feature count" command tells me that some features have been created.
When i open the exported shapefile with another tool, I can see the feature, but not a the correct position.

My point of view :
- Maybe there are a problem with features's position convertion while create them, likes the "target" CRS is not used...
- I don't know how to use this correctly...

Please, tell me.


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