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[udig-devel] uDig RC6 Released

We are happy to announce another uDig release.  There are a few big ticket items featured in this release:

- Table view got a make over. 
    - Unbelievable performance improvements. 
    - Editing is now supported
    - Better feedback and messaging
    - Attribute Search
    - Zoom to Selection
    - Features can now be sorted by attribute or selection
- Major printing bug fixes. 
    - Some major problems had slipped through the development cracks... such as printing being broken :(.  Now fixed. 
    - The aspect ratio of the printed map is now correct
    - Map labels are now printed correctly.

There are other various fixes in different places as well but those are the giants.  Please test the Table view hard.  I'm sure there are issues that will have to be worked out of it.

Download links are:

Thanks for the support and have fun :)

The uDig Team

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