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[udig-devel] Efficiency problem with filtered Feature Collections

Hi udiggers ... 

We are involved in a plugin development in order to apply stadistic
operations (like count, sum, median, ... ) over two ayers from

We start from a Multi/Polygonal (near 50 feats) and a Point layer (near
50000 feats), and the goal is to extend this Poly ne with new
attributes: the results of this operations over the points which are
contained in each polygonal geometry.

We develope it using geotools filters like DistanceGeometryFilter
(DWithin) and GeometryFilter (contains). The source code is similar to:

    FilterFactory filterFactory =
    GeometryDistanceFilter dWithinFilter =
    LiteralExpression polyGeom; 
    FeatureCollection pointFeatsAux;
    for(Object poly : polyFeatureColl)
        polyFeat = (Feature) poly;
        polyGeom = filterFactory.createLiteralExpression(
        pointFeatCollAux = FeatureCollections.newCollection();
        int size = pointFeatsAux.size();
        for(Object point : pointFeatsAux)             
            // Apply stadistic operation and classification
            // to the features contained in the poly
        System.out.println(" Polygonal layer classified!");

We have done several tests of efficiency over shapefiles around 50000
features and the results weren't very good :( It takes almost 2 minutes
to do the polygons classification. 
Obviously, there must have more efficient alternatives. We suspect that
the featureCollection result of the filter pointFeatsAux) isn't in fact
filtered ... Each time we iterate over this "filtered Collection", we
check that it takes the same time independly the number of "filtered
features" (pointFeatsAux.size()): we think it run all the primitive
collection again to obtain the filtereds. In summary, we have

    - 50*50000 its. to obtain the pointFeatsAux.size()
    - 50*50000 its. to apply the stadistic operator over each feature

We are expecting to find a solution which only itearate    

    - 50*50000 its. to obtain pointFeatsAux
    - 50*pointFeatsAux.size() its. to process the stadistics
In conclussion, the time of filter proccess 
    pointFeatCollAux = FeatureCollections.newCollection();
    // This is more efficient that 
    // pointFeatCollAux = pointsSource.getFeatures(dWithinFilter);!!!  
has zero time cost...but, the cost of the operation

    size = pointFeatsAux.size();
is around [ PolyLayer.numFeatures() * PointLayer.numFeatures() ].

Our questions ...

    a) Anyone knows if the Layer Theme Style dialog uses a similar
process to do classifications?
    b) Is there any alternative to this kind of geotools filters? 
    c) Is anyone at the same trouble?

NOTE: we use Visitor Interface to apply stadistics operations
    AverageVisitor averageVisitor = new
    CountVisitor countVisitor = new
    MinVisitor minVisitor = new
    MaxVisitor maxVisitor = new
    MedianVisitor medianVisitor = new
    SumVisitor sumVisitor = new
    StandardDeviationVisitor desvVisitor;

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