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Re: [udig-devel] Problem accessing postgis dataset through WFS

Willem Nieuwenhuis wrote:
Using uDig 1.06

I have postgis installed and installed the Spearfish data.
Opening the data through a PostGIS connection works perfectly.

Then I try to connect to the exact same data but now through WFS (after
configuring GeoServer to use the PostGIS data).
Now uDig fails with an exception during rendering (the log file
indicates that EMF is running in an endless loop causing a stack

As a result nothing is shown, although the bounding box of the map
window appears to be correct (checked that against the PostGIS success)

To try and resolve the culprit here I tried to open the WFS connection
in DeeGree; here I received a SAX parser exception indicating that the
attribute "srsName" associated with the "gml:Box" contains an erroneous
"<" character

Any idea who is causing the problem?
Sounds like GeoServer is sending bad data, the endless loop may be my bad - we need the bounds to draw the world for you, but if asking for the bounds fail (ie we are asking GeoResourceInfo for the bounds) , we need to parse the capabilities document. If we fail there, we may just ask for them again rather then mark the service as unavailable with the right error (something like capabilities file is invalid).


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