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Re: [udig-devel] Feature highlighting by applying a filter to layer

Ian Turton wrote:

On 2/17/06, *Jody Garnett* <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Mark's point is a good one - a blob in the middle of a PointSymbolizer
    mark (aka icon) does not do anyone any good.

    So I am going to propose something different, not using SLD.

    Hear me out, we should draw the image using the existing SLD style as
    defined for that layer. And then take the entire resulting image and
    "jitter" it.

I'd rather allow the user to specify thier own selection style using SLD. I might want a completly different icon when a point is selected rather than just a blurred (jittered) one. I would also like to be able to specify a selection style per layer as different things should look different when I select them.
Fair enough, I was hoping that the existing style would be drawn on top, so the effect would be of an outline around the existing SLD mark, or linework et c.


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