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[udig-devel] A developer moment on Glyphs

This should eventually go up on the wiki - but since I finally broke down and made a state machine I thought I should share.

From LayerGenerateLabelDecorator.decorateImage

* We are not allowed to block, test if generation is needed and start up the queue.
    * <p>
    * State Table of Image \ Image Descriptor:
    * <pre><code>
* | null | icon * ---------+--------------+---------------------+
    * disposed | queue        | image =             |
    *  or null |   layer      |  icon.createImage() |
    * ---------+--------------+---------------------+
    * image    | both         | image               |
    *          +--------------+---------------------+
    * </code></pre>
    * This attempts to reduce the amount of flicker
    * experienced as the layer figures out its glyph
    * in the face of *many* events.
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * Everyone gives us events - who gives us icons?
    * <ul>
* <li>If the user has given the layer an icon we don't need to generate anything. * <li>piccaso will wait on the queue and generate icons, and refresh the decorator.
    * <li>We will get the refresh and generate an Image from the Icon,
    *     we can use this image when we are nexted refreshed.
    * <li>A random eclipse code will dispose our Images, and refrsh us
    *    (We can still generate our images from the saved icon).
* <li>The listener *hack* will watch for changes to layer,if any look interesting
    *     the icon will be cleared and we will be refreshed. We still have
    *     our image so their will be no downtime while waiting for piccaso
* to make us a new Icon. * </ul> * So what happens for a layer that we cannot generate a icon for? We will * place it in the queue *every* time. Who knows maybe style or something will
    * change and we can do better then the default.
    * </p>

Any mistakes with this plan will be obvious next time I run, but if you see anything
obvious let me know.


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