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Re: [tools-pmc] Eclipse SeCo Blocks Termination

Dear PMC, 
the PLs and dev list are copied in my emails, but we have not yet received any feedback from their side.
If you have further information regarding the status of this project please do share it with us. In the meantime, I'll push the review date a couple of weeks to give the opportunity to the project team and community to pushback on this termination.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa

On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 1:33 PM Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Maria Teresa for bringing this to our attention.

I hope that some of the folks at Bosch can comment on the current state before we complete the termination review. 

The secoblocks-dev mailing list is also cc'ed, but unfortunately there are less subscribers on that list than committers on the project which is a bit of a red flag too. However, for now I am going to respond neutrally on this termination review.


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Fri, 30 Sept 2022 at 13:46, EMO EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC, Project team,
the Eclipse SeCo Blocks project seems to have been inactive for a while now.
The EMO has scheduled a termination review that is being tracked here:
your comments and pushback are welcome.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado

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