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Re: [tools-pmc] Eclipse Titan release 8.2.0

Hi Nagy,

I found the release record on the PMI here: - but there is no detail other than release date about what is in this release. The 8.0.0 and 8.1.0 release record is well populated in comparison.

That said you don't need a release review/approval from PMC until your first release after 1 year. So you are good to go until 2022-08-21 (date of 8.0.0 release review). Please do add the release notes to the 8.2.0 release review, or you can even do what some other projects have, and just have a link to the Changelog or gitlab or similar.

Thanks and happy releasing!


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

On Mon, 9 May 2022 at 06:18, Lénárd Nagy via tools-pmc <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We would like to release Eclipse Titan 8.2.0. We have an IP log approved which is younger than one year.

With best regards
On behalf of the Titan team
Nagy Lénárd

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