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RE: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review

Hi Konstantin,


We have spent some time on the comparison of Sapphire with XWT and PMF. I think it is very important to state the relation in your proposal to give a clear message to the community.  


Best regards


From: technology-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:technology-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Konstantin Komissarchik
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:03 PM
To: 'Technology PMC'
Cc: 'Ling Hao'
Subject: [technology-pmc] Approval for Sapphire Creation Review


Technology PMC,


I believe that Sapphire project has met the Eclipse Development Process requirements to move forward with the Creation Review. In particular…


1. Sufficient time has passed (6 weeks to be exact).

2. There has been decent amount of community discussion on the forum [1] and on the PMC mailing list.

3. Community outreach has taken place. In particular, I wrote three articles that explain the technology and posted links to those in various forums. There is also an interview with jaxenter [2].

4. EMO has performed a trademark review and has approved the name. Oracle paperwork on trademark assignment is pending.


Please vote your approval to allow Sapphire to move towards the Creation Review or indicate what other actions you would like to see prior to creation.





- Konstantin




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