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Re: [technology-pmc] Re: [ecf-dev] Re: [tools-pmc] Newsreader project

Wim Jongman wrote:
Hi Eric,

I was hoping it would speed things up. Can you elaborate on your concerns?

I'd really like to see Salvo included in the Helios packages (and possibly the 3.6 "Classic" SDK build). I'm wondering out loud how the decision (making it a sub-project of Technology vs. a component of ECF) will impact the ability for it to be delivered with Helios. Scott has chimed in that he thinks its quite feasible for Salvo as an ECF component to make it; I wonder what the chances are if Salvo is it's own sub-project of Technology. Perhaps someone else on the Tech PMC can comment on the history of such things...


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 3:15 AM, Eric Rizzo <eclipse-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:eclipse-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I wonder what impact this decision would have on the likelihood of
    getting Salvo into Helios (Eclipse 3.6 release)...
    Seems like if it doesn't make it into the Helios packages, the hope
    of it being a tool for engaging Average Joe User is greatly diminished.


    Wim Jongman wrote:

           Not quite sure what you mean by 'ownership'.  You would (of
           have whatever copyright you wanted in the code, and this is the
           ultimate notion of 'ownership' with EPL-licensed codebases (any
           Eclipse project).  Further, I would propose moving you toward
           committer status (on ECF project), and then you would be the
           committer maintainer of this/these bundles.
           Are you (Wim) already a committer on some other EF project?
         If so,
           which one(s)?  I don't expect it would be a big hassle to add
        you as
           an ECF committer, but I and the other exisitng committers
        would need
           a little bit more familiarity with your work before we can/could
           reasonably vote you in as an ECF committer.  But that means
           at your code...

        Yes, with ownership I mean being able to work on the code and to
        get one or two ppl people in quickly to work on this as well. I
        am not an Eclipse committer. I don't mind that you look at the
        code but I don't want to attach it to a bug. I suggest to make a
        svn repo available and mail the credentials.

               Since almost all requirements have been met to make it a
               standalone technology project wouldn't it be better for
        now to
               follow that route instead.

           No, I don't really agree.  From your point of view, as a
           separate/new project you will have to deal with all the EF
           requirements essentially on your own (e.g. the reviews, creating
           your own build infrastructure, going from incubation to
           non-incubation status, IP process, etc., etc).  We (ECF) already
           have all this in place, have gone through it, and can reuse what
           we've already done (e.g. build infrastructure).  Also, there are
           people like me (who've gone through it many times) to at
        least help
           do the IP and process stuff :).

        Well strange as that might seem, I am actually very curious on
        how all this is setup and I think doing all this will be a good
        learning experience...

           Further, from a technology perspective, much of what you have
        in the
           newsreader app (i.e. implementation of nntp protocol) is/would be
           suitable for ECF, and ultimately belongs there IMHO.  Also I
           there are a number of things that we're already doing (e.g. IM,
           shared editing, google wave integration, etc) that would be
           naturally helpful/valuable for the newsreader app, and having
           be in separate projects and under separate project teams will not
           help with integration.

        That is true. I think the fit in ECF is undisputed. and yes,
        let's talk on skype. Sent me a good time for you.

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