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Hi Everyone,

I have a Road of 3 lanes of (road length is: 6000 meters)

Considering 3 flows that run on every lane of the road.

My question is :

01 - With departPos="last" the vehicles tend to be loaded on the 6000-meter (POS)(MAYBE THATS BECAUSE THE ROAD IS 6000 METER LONG BUT WHEN REFFERING TO THE OUTPUT THE VEHICULES ON THE FLOW DONT DRIVE TO THE END OF ROAD) mark, and I need to load them at the beginning of the road which is in this case 10000-meter mark (so they will drive until the 4000-meter mark).

02 - Is it possible to apply speeds that range from 80km/h to 120km/h to the vehicles of the flow, in such a manner that every vehicle in trailing position will have a smaller speed than the vehicle ahead of it to avoid collisions. also, the speeds have to be constant :

For example : a range of speeds: 80 to 120km/h

Veh1 (head) = 110km/h(constant throughout simulation) , veh2 (trailing) =100km/h(constant throughout simulation), veh3 (trailing of veh2) = 95km/h (constant throughout simulation). etc

     Any Idea how to setup that automatically of should I use vehicle speed distribution and sort the speeds and apply them manually to the vehicles. (which means have not to use flows in this case: which is really cumbersome when the number of vehicles is high).

Here is the code I'm using : 

01 - 
<routes id="route">
    <vTypeDistribution id="typedist1">

    <vType id="silly" tau="0.0001" minGap="2" speedDev="0" decel="0.0001"/>
    <flow id="flow0" type="silly" departLane="0"   arrivalLane="current" color="1,0,0" begin="0.00"  end="0" number="17" departSpeed="max" departPos="last"  from="mainedge" to="mainedge"/>

      <flow id="flow1" type="silly" departLane="1"   arrivalLane="current" color="0,1,0" begin="0.00"  end="0" number="17" departSpeed="max"  departPos="last"  from="mainedge" to="mainedge"/>

      <flow id="flow2" type="silly" departLane="2"   arrivalLane="current"  color="0,0,1" begin="0.00" end="0" number="16" departSpeed="max"  departPos="last"    from="mainedge" to="mainedge" />

02 - 
<node id="right" x="10000.0" y="300.0"/>
<node id="left" x="4000.0" y="300.0"/>

03 - 
<edge id="mainedge" from="right" to="left" numLanes="3" type="3L105"/>

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