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Re: [sumo-user] Braking for turns

The cars brake ahead of the turn so that they reach the slower section at the permitted speed (it works the same for regular speed limits).

Am Mi., 15. Juli 2020 um 17:48 Uhr schrieb Zev Nicolai-Scanio <znicolaiscanio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I’m working on my first major SUMO project and I read in the NETEDIT instructions that the speeds on turns will be reduced based upon the radius. I’m interested in one detail about how cars brake when there is a speed limit for a turn that is lower than that of the main road. Do they brake while they are in the turn or do they brake right before the turn. Also when they brake do they brake at the max deceleration? I’m trying to make some calculations using Newtonian mechanics to calculate the times that cars get to certain points and I want to make sure I am modeling the situation correctly.

Thank you very much!
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