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Re: [sumo-user] routeSampler: no routes pass edge error

The error refers to the routes from your input sample. They do not contain a single route that passes these edges. If your routes come from randomTrips you could simply increase the sample size by changing the value of -e from it's default of 3600 to a higher number. Of course, you could load routes from another hand-crafted file if you have ideas about where vehicles passing A and B should come from / go to.

Am Do., 25. Juni 2020 um 18:23 Uhr schrieb Fay Kostopoulou <faykost@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,

I am running routeSampler and I see the error "no routes pass edge 'A B' (count 100)". I have checked these edges and I see that there is connection between them. Could you help me with it? Which could be the problem?

Thank you.
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