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Re: [sumo-user] mulitple questions regarding MAROUTER

Am Di., 26. März 2019 um 00:41 Uhr schrieb Lukas A <kitatsuab@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi all,

I am setting up multiple very large mesoscopic SUMO simulations for large cities. I am using MAROUTER to calculate the routes and I came across multiple questions/issues. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am running SUMO 1.1.0 on Windows (same results/issues on a linux server).

As a reproducible example, some randomized files are uploaded to: 
My basic command for all the following questions is:
marouter -n -d taz.xml -r trips_mpeak.trips.xml --additive-traffic -i 3 --paths 5 --routing-threads 10 --output routes_test1.rou.xml -v true --log log_marout.log --ignore-errors true --assignment-method incremental --no-warnings true -b 0 -e 100 --max-alternatives 1 --aggregation-interval 100

1.  --multi-threading UE/SUE vs incremental (--routing-threads 10): when re-routing or when using marouter to define the vehicle's routes macroscopically, I can set this option and it will use multiple threads. This works fine when the routes are searched for incrementally (--assignment-method incremental), not however, when running UE or SUE. Any ideas why not? 

2. Setting -b and -e for marouter does not do anything. The router continues searching for paths for vehicles beyond -e argument.

3. Setting --max-alternatives 1 returns more than 1 route per vehicle. Isn't this supposed to limit the number of paths returned. Given the size of my scenarios, I am trying to limit the number of routes returned (just to give you an idea, for a 24h scenario, I get routing files of 60GB).

4. Some OD pairs are not connected (trips generated from OD2trips). That's why I set --ignore-errors true. However, there are still some routes saved with empty edges in the route file; such routes are not allowed by the subsequent simulation. I wrote a script to remove them (first converting them to csv), however, I wonder if there is a way to avoid such behavior.

Many thanks!

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