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Re: [sumo-user] Preventing vehicles moved via moveToXY from being ignored

In order be considered by other vehicles, your ego vehicle must have a route that takes it past the junction.
If you control your vehicle with moveToXY without specifying a route, than the route will always consist of a single edge (the current one).
This would explain the behavior in your scenario.
A quick work-around would be to set a route using a future target edge
(e.g. by calling simulation.convertRoad(), followed by vehicle.changeTarget())


Am Do., 21. März 2019 um 10:31 Uhr schrieb Lukas Stratmann <lsstratmann@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello everyone,

If I position a vehicle via TraCI's moveToXY such that it is approaching
a junction from a direction where this vehicle should have priority over
incoming lanes to the left and right, and if this vehicle is
consistently being ignored by other vehicles coming from these
lower-priority lanes, is there a way for me to improve the situation?
I'm using SUMO 1.1.0 and keepRoute = 2 (although I'm facing the same
issue with keepRoute = 0). When I place the manually positioned vehicle
on a regular (i.e., non-junction-internal) lane other vehicles typically
stop, so I'm not being ignored completely.

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