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[soa-pmc] SOA package introductory page for Eclipse 3.6


As said yesterday in the PMC meeting, I hereby make the proposal of an introductory page to the whole SOA package that summarily presents itself and its subprojects, similar to the layout and what exists on the page, including for the SOA TLP and each subproject :
  * the same _short_ presentation blurb
  * the link to its own website
* possibly, an image / screenshot giving a concrete idea of what it is / looks like

Example :

<h3>JWT Workflow Editor</h3>
<p><a href="";>JWT Workflow Editor</a> is a tool for creating and editing business processes in order to execute them afterwards.</p>
<p><img hsrc="";></p>
<p>Version: 0.7.0</p>

(actually, that's what is in our existing JWT branding - though if there is such an introductory page we'd probably remove it).

Since we'll shortly have an up-to-date website index page, it'll be a mere copy-paste :)


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