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Re: [science-pmc] Thoughts on projects switching between type A and type B IP due diligence

On 2018-03-14 2:53 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
I'd be surprised if IBM has changed their process. When I was there a few of years ago they had essentially the duplicate of the type B process for any open source software used in their products. In fact, even Eclipse software that had been through type B was subjected to this internal process. My dealings with other vendors such as Intel, Cray, and NVIDIA seemed to indicate they did a similar thing. A lot can change in a few years of course...

I don't disagree.....but I can assure you that this Type A/Type B process was vetted by IBM and other strategic member companies.

And again I will remind everyone that the Apache Software Foundation --- which is generally regarded as doing a pretty good job around IP management --- doesn't even do a truly professional job[*] of Type A, never mind Type B.

[*] By "professional job" I mean having full-time professional staff with sophisticated tools at their disposal doing the analyses. The ASF does a great job with the volunteer model that they use.

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

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