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Re: [riena-dev] Riena installed from Eclipse SDK 3.5M7

- currently none of the EPP packages of Riena SDK has source bundles. we hope we get that fixed (the download from the Riena wiki has source bundles) - SimpleStoreCleaner is no class from Riena (I cant even find that in my workspace) - for b) thats suprising that this is a problem that starts to come up in M7 (you never had that before ????) please open a bug for that


Am 12.05.2009 um 11:17 schrieb ekkehard:

just installed M7 SDK and tested to add Riena

works well
(christian already wrotes about missing src bundles.
would be great if you can publish if the src bundles are availablöe from
EPP nightly builds of RC1)

I noticed two other things:

a) after restarting eclipse a message about a running
"SimpleStoreCleaner" comes up
is this something from Riena ?

b because there are some sample bundles from riena started,
the main toolbar becomes "dirty"
see att screenshot
if someone hits per example "exit" from the toolbar,
eclipse quits without any question

From my opinion such bundles should not be started automatically

what do you think ?
should I open bugzillas ?

<dirty toolbar.png><ATT00001.c>

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