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[rdf4j-dev] Git history and merging - again


Wanted to bring up the discussion again. 

We’ve gone full circle, just like everyone does. We’ve tried mono repo and multiple repos. We’ve done merge commits, squash and merge and now we are doing local squash (rebase) and then merge commit. 

I think it’s all a bit too strict for the sake of very little benefit. 

The absolutely biggest benefit for me of our git history is to be able to git blame a couple of lines of code to see where they came from and why they are the way they are. 

A lot of the older code though all you get is some generic commit by Jeen for when the project was moved or renamed or something like that. 

I would like to advocate for a bit more Wild Wild West and a bit less ordnung must sein. Essentially, reactivate the git squash and merge button for smaller PRs by committers. Live with the regular, old fashioned merge approach. And for those that really want to, they can rebase and merge and create a nice clean git history. 


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