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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Parameterized Commands (was 'Key Binding Problem')

On March 9, 2004 02:45 pm, Ed Burnette wrote:
> Separating user interface elements from core elements is good in general
> but at some point you'll need to present a list of Commands to the user (in
> a script editor or keybinding dialog for example). Then each Command will
> need a human readable name and description, and an icon. Earlier you said
> you wanted, post M8, to replace Actions with Commands, but it seems that
> they'll need essentially the same properties. Or were you thinking that a
> Command would *always* be paired one to one with an Action and that the
> Action would "decorate" the Command?

Commands already have a name and description.  So, I guess they do have some 
user interface element.  I really meant more in terms of menu items, tool 
items, etc.

In the future world, we envision a completely separate system -- devoid of 
actions.  The following has nothing to do with any of the proposed designs, 
but it should give you an idea of what we mean by separation.  (Again, this 
is not one of the proposed designs -- it's purely illustrative.)

<menu name="File" id="org.eclipse.ui.menus.file">
    <location path="toolbar://" />
    <location path="menubar://" />
    <location path="popup://">
    <menu commandId="">
        <menuItem commandId="org.eclipse.ui.file.newProject"/>

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