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Re: [platform-dev] Request for Comments: Immediately show release notes after installing/updating plugins


I think it's an interesting topic, but having a generic, reusable, extensible, consistent, appealing... solution that works for the whole IDE seems very hard to me and requires a lot of design effort both in UX and extension-points/API, for a return on investment that I think is questionable.
Would RCP providers for instance like to enable auto-update of the internal help for each upgrade of each module? Do they actually want such small grain of information for their users? Isn't it better to leave it as a product-specific or branding task?
Would plugin developers (like m2e for instance) spend the time writing such N&N for inside Eclipse IDE when they basically don't even write one currently as plain HTML or wiki pages?
I'm afraid that the adoption rate of such N&N extensible model would be very low, compared to the amount of effort it requires.

I think instead of a framework, we should consider a simpler case of just enabling such feature in the Eclipse IDE, linking to existing N&N pages upon upgrade. It could be an addition to the EPP package and just consuming the current "source of truth" that's available, at by showing it in a browser editor.

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