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[photran] The results I obtain are different if I order the program to write the values on my black screen or not.

I have been working with Eclipse since last year and now I am facing a "quite strange" problem. Now I am using Eclipse Juno with Photran 8.

The problem is that the results I obtain are different if I order the program to write the preliminar and final values on my black screen or not.

The problem is that if I order the program to write the intermediate and final results of a variable called 'N_tot' on my screen "WRITE(*,*) "N_tot=", N_tot" it gives me correct values while if I don't order it, the final results are wrong, very high values and all the same for all the ten years I am trying to simulate.

Does anybody have an idea of what is happening?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Josep Crous

Josep Crous Duran
Grupo Forchange - Forest Ecosystems Management Under Global Change
Centro de Estudos Florestais
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL)
Tapada de Ajuda
1348-017 Lisboa
telf: +351 21.365.33.56
fax:  +351 21.364.33.38
em@ail: jcrous@xxxxxxxxxx

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