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Re: [paho-dev] Java client builds

Was this fixed?  The snapshots link still seems to have pretty old versions.

Some related questions: 

1) When is the next planned release of the Paho java client?   I don't see any indication of that on the web pages. 
2) Will the Paho Java Client be built and distributed as an OSGi bundle in this next release?   The existing snapshot was a 'plain ol jar' as I remember.

The primary reason I ask is that ECF now has a MQTT provider [2] that uses the Paho java client, and for our own future releases (e.g. Luna) we would like simply point people to a released version of the Paho Java client...built and distributed as a bundle.




On 2/8/2014 8:16 AM, Nicholas O'Leary wrote:
Hi Dwayne,

it looks like the hudson job for doing nightly builds is currently disabled. Not sure why that is - I don't have admin access for the java build. As you say, there isn't a pressing need for a build at the moment, although as we gear up for a release in the near future, I'm sure things will pick up.


On 7 February 2014 20:30, Bradley, Dwayne <Dwayne.Bradley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’ve noticed that there haven’t been any new snapshot builds since early November, 2013.  Are you all planning on doing any more builds soon?  There’s no real problem as far as I’m concerned; just curious is all.




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