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[paho-dev] Paho API in Android Messaging

hi paho people

I'm working on a (hopefully) lightweight two person messaging app using the MQTT protocol, and currently I'm trying to use the paho library to accomplish this.  I have a mosquitto broker running on a debian box, and as far as I can tell it's running without issue.  however, I am unable to receive messages on my app; publishing them works fine, and I can watch with a command line client from the server and see the message arrive, but neither Android client will receive a message from the other.  I'm implementing MqttCallback on my service...this is also my first app, so it's possible I'm misunderstanding some part of the Android lifecycle, but I think the service should be open to receive connections from the broker?  Here's where I set up the client on the service:

public void setUpService(final Context p_context){
    try {
        _mqttClient = new MqttAsyncClient(_mqttServer, _clientId, new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(p_context.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath()));

        IMqttToken token = _mqttClient.connect(_mqttOptions);
        IMqttToken token2 = _mqttClient.subscribe("#", 2);
    } catch (MqttException e) {
    SETUP_STATE = true;

that's all the code directly related to setting up the debugging, I found that my messageArrived override is never even being called.  that seems like an awful small amount of code to set up such an integral part of my I'm thinking it's too good to be true (hence it not working).  am I missing some part of the set-up process?  could my service be blocked somewhere else and therefore never receiving these messages?  it seems unlikely that they would NEVER come through...considering the app isn't locked up or anything.

I'm at an impasse, so any guidance would be very appreciated!



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