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[p2-dev] p2.inf startLevel directive not working

Hi all,

I have an update site to install a version of AJDT located at

This update site includes the bundle
org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj.  This bundle has a p2.inf file
with the following contents:

instructions.configure = \
	setStartLevel(startLevel:2); \
	markStarted(started: true); \
propValue:org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook); \
propValue:true); \
  setProgramProperty(propName:org.aspectj.osgi.verbose, propValue:true); \
  setProgramProperty(propName:aj.weaving.verbose, propValue:true);
instructions.unconfigure = \
	setProgramProperty(propName:osgi.framework.extensions, propValue:); \
  setProgramProperty(propName:org.aspectj.weaver.showWeaveInfo, propValue:); \
  setProgramProperty(propName:org.aspectj.osgi.verbose, propValue:); \
  setProgramProperty(propName:aj.weaving.verbose, propValue:);

I generate the p2 repository and put it on the download servers.
Anyone can install AJDT from here.

So far, so good.

The problem comes after installing and trying to run eclipse again.
Eclipse has an error on startup, which is logged in a log file that I
am attaching.   Note that eclipse will not startup at all.  The splash
page appears for half a second, then the error is thrown and the
process exits.

After fiddling around for a bit, I was able to get eclipse started
with no errors. Here is what I had to do:

1. in configuration/config.ini, there was an entry
in the osgi.bundles directive.  I had to remove that entry.
(note that the config.ini correctly has all of the appropriate program
properties set)

2. in the configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/
file, I had to change one line from:

So, that's my setup and how to get around the problem.  Here are my questions:

1. why is the weaving hook bundle fragment added to the config.ini file?

2. why is org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj not set to start level 1
even when I explicitly set it in the p2.inf file for that bundle?

I appreciate any help with this problem.


Attachment: 1225211854927.log
Description: Binary data

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