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[mylyn-dev] release dates for the Mylyn 3.0 cycle

The draft Mylyn 3.0 cycle release dates are now listed at:

The Theme parts of the plan are in flux so please ignore those.  These
release dates satisfy the following constraints:
* Encourage users to adopt new releases more frequently by having 4 GAs in
the year, not 1.
* Follow the Ganymede release train on the +1 cycle. 
* Simultaneously support Eclipse 3.3.x and 3.4 milestones, maintaining
separate streams but the same API to continue to insulate integrators from
Platform streams.
* Provide GA releases for the two Europa Maintenance releases without
maintaining separate Europa and Ganymede streams, to avoid the burden of
maintaining 2x2 streams.

Implications and changes:
* Releases will go out on Wednesdays evenings following the Friday Platform
Milestone release.
* Every Wednesday we will have an Integration build, previously called dev
builds (i.e. 1 day after the Platform I-build) 
* The 2.xM releases don't have corresponding RCs.  We could consider
declaring an RC the Friday before the 2.x releases.  But calling the
Milestone builds RCs would be too weird because there are bound to be
significant changes between them and the 2.x releases.
* 2.3M and 2.3 are closer than the others due to Europa Winter Maintenance
and EclipseCon timing.

Please reply with any comments here or on the corresponding bug:

200628: plan Mylyn 3.0 release cycle


Mik Kersten
Project Lead,

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