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[mpwg] RE : Modeling meeting at EclipseCon Europe

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Raphaël Faudou
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De : mpwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mpwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] de la part de Gael Blondelle [gael.blondelle@xxxxxxx]
Date d'envoi : vendredi 14 octobre 2011 08:49
À : MPWG mailing list
Objet : Re: [mpwg] Modeling meeting at EclipseCon Europe


The Bof may not be the best format for a productive meeting, but we have to meet and it looks like the only opportunity to have everybody around the table.


Le 13/10/11 15:55, Ian Skerrett a écrit :

Unfortunately there are no rooms available during the day.   Why don't we try to organize a modeling platform bof?

Is anyone else on this mailing list interested in participating in a modeling platform BOF at ECE?


On 10/12/2011 3:08 PM, Dominique Toupin wrote:
Hi Ralph, Ian,
Last year face to face modeling meeting in Ludwigsburg was good to spark a few improvements in the modeling area.
With a new working group with a big focus on modeling and other initiatives, it would be good to plan a modeling meeting at EclispeCon Europe.
The goal of the meeting would be to discuss the various interest areas of both implementers, end users, see what people will be working on next year, identify some synergies, speed up work and hopefully create a momentum to increase Eclipse modeling contribution.
Ralph, can you reserve a room Tue. Nov 1 afternoon or Wed. Nov. 2 morning?
Best Regards,

mpwg mailing list

Ian Skerrett
VP of Marketing and Ecosystem
Eclipse Foundation
Tel: 613-224-9461 ext 227
Twitter: IanSkerrett

mpwg mailing list

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