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[microprofile-wg] [2021 MPWG Budget Update ] Follow-Up on 06/08/21 Proposal


Today, the MPWG had its very first steering budget discussion. 
Call agenda here
Call Recording here 

Tasks for the EMO and MPWG: Revise and update the wording, statements and items, including $ as follow-ups based on today's discussion with the EMO. 

2021 6/8/21 revised budget: The public editable document allows any member of the steering cmtee to comment, (community comments are also welcomed within the document), to help with the completion of the budget: 06/08/2021 Revised after the MPWG steering call

Deadline: During the meeting, we agreed to have the "final budget" by June 15th.  The MPWG steering cmtee aims to start the budget vote electronically. 

Budget Drive: The budget drive where all the documents are housed continues to be under the MP Community drive, public & editable, here
Budget version 2, here shows the trajectory of the work done via the spreadsheet with the conversion of the pdf from EMO (march 2021) 1st EMO proposal to today's EMO budget (6/8) proposal using the spreadsheet numbers. 

Future budgets:  the MPWG will aim at completing its future budgets in Q4, before Dec.  Doing so will allow the EF Board of Directors approval of the budget and keep up with the EF operational process, as currently done with the other 16 Working Groups.   

Commitment to be an involved community:  each version, each public and recorded call, each MicroProfiler comment, shows this community commitment to get started in the best way possible with respect to money paid under the WG. #ByCommunityForCommunity! 💛 

Bcc: Sharon, in charge of working on the adjustments and as she sees fit follow-ups with the MPWG. Thank you, Sharon! 
Please add yourself to the MPWG Repo spreadsheet. Doing so, will enable you to work with us on future budget items via git issues that either you can be assigned to or you can assign to MicroProfilers. 

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