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Re: [microprofile-wg] [External] : [BALLOT] [Health 3.1] Specification Release Review - VOTE by June 11th (two weeks)


I opened the PR for the rename [1]. I will respin the release if this is a general agreement but as already mentioned this will delay the MP 4.1 release from June meaning we will need to do it in July. If everybody agrees, I will respin the Health 3.1 release after the mentioned PR is merged.




On 6/4/21 6:45 PM, Ed Bratt wrote:

-1 (Oracle)

In its current form, we don't want to live with /health/start -- instead, we'd prefer /health/started. Sorry we didn't get on the RC sooner but this timeline was quite compressed. This was raised in and had been discussed previously in the Google Group.

-- Ed Bratt

On 5/28/2021 2:59 AM, Roberto Cortez via microprofile-wg wrote:

To approve and ratify the Release Review of MicroProfile Health 3.1 Specification, the Steering Committee Representatives vote is requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject).  Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated. 

The MicroProfile Specification Process requires the Specification Committee and the Community to provide feedback during the approval process using the relevant documents:

This ballot will be fourteen days, ending on Friday, June 11th. The ballot requires a Super-majority positive vote of the Steering Committee members. There is no veto. Community input and Community votes are welcomed. However, only the votes delivered by Steering Committee Representatives will be counted.

Thank you
Roberto Cortez on behalf of MicroProfile Steering Committee

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