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Re: [] [General] Need to clarify how Commands should be executed

Hi Cedric

This is a very painful area, that I sort of got to the bottom of for the QVTd editor framework.

I think you need to go with IOperationHistory to stand any chance of general consistency.

EMF Transaction provides an enhanced Command handling that IIRC uses IOperationHistory.

You might care to check out org.eclipse.m2m2/org.eclipse.qvtd and look for all IOperationHistory usage to see where I though I needed to change things. Of course that was nearly two years ago and might not have been the correct solution then let alone now.

When using IOperationHistory make sure you install the Platform Examples which include a useful OperationHistory viewer. I send in a few Bugzillas to projects that were not giving good Operation descriptions.

That said, the entire EMF model synchronmisation issue deserves revisiting. Xtext is not using any standard approach and we need Xtext maintained models to be properly synchronized.


        Ed Willink

On 25/05/2010 13:03, Cedric Dumoulin wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have opened a bug (314250) to try to clarify how Commands should be executed in Papyrus.

Actually, commands seem to be executed using different mechanisms:
- org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain.getCommandStack().execute(...)
- org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistory.execute(IUndoableOperation, IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable)

We need to propose a standard mechanism to be used in Papyrus.
Before that, we need to clarify what are the pro and cons of each approach.
This should enable the undo/redo operations for all commands (bug 314252).

 If you have any idea/clue/proposal, please comment it !


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