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[m2t-dev] [MTL] Blocks and init sections

Hi Arjan,

I have trouble understanding the expected way to handle InitSections throughout MTL. The spec defines an "initSection" reference on the meta-type Block, yet those are never mentionned in the grammar save for ForBlocks and Templates.

From the meta-model described in the specifications, I would have expected init sections to be useable on all blocks (if, let, file, query, macro, ...). Were they really meant to be accessible on for and template only?

As a side note, what is the expected scope of these init sections? For example, can they be used in the declaration of the for's "iteration" expression or only in the body of the for block? Along the same line and regardless of the answer of the former, can the variables declared in the init section be used in the "each" expression of the for since that can be considered part of the body?


Laurent Goubet
fn:Laurent Goubet
org:<a href="";>Obeo</a>

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