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Re: [m2e-wtp-dev] m2e-wtp compatible with JDK 19?

·       Is this a JDK issue? Is m2e-wtp v1.5.x not compatible with java v19? If not with which JDK/JRE version is it compatible and what about its packaging in the latest Eclipse release where JustJ openjdk JRE 19 is the default JVM?

I don't know but...

·       Why is m2e-wtp still using v2.2.1 of maven-war-plugin as the latest version of this plugin seems to be v3.3.2. It seems to me m2e-wtp is using an outdated version of this plugin.

A contribution that updates m2e-wtp to use newer maven-war-plugin (and maybe transitionally get rid of this issue) would be highly welcome as a pull request.

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